Once you have graduated from college you may be one of the lucky people eligible to consolidate all of your student loans. Now, it is very important to carefully consider this option, since it is only available for you to do once. It is not a good idea to consolidate your loans with your spouse's because then if you pass away, your estate is not responsible for the student loans. However if they are consolidated with your spouse, they will still need to pay them back. Just so that you know, this benefit is only for federal student loans. So here is how to consolidate all of those student loans.
1. First and foremost you need to make sure that you qualify for the student loan consolidation. For starters you need to have finished school, furthermore you can't currently be enrolled in any program and you need to determine which loans qualify. Moreover you will then have the opportunity to consolidate your subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford loans.
1. First and foremost you need to make sure that you qualify for the student loan consolidation. For starters you need to have finished school, furthermore you can't currently be enrolled in any program and you need to determine which loans qualify. Moreover you will then have the opportunity to consolidate your subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford loans.